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20th May 2007, Sunday


Thanks to my ongoing obsession for HEROES, here's something for all you other fans out there to enjoy... =) And oh, on a random note, I REALLY LOVE SYLAR x MOHINDER!!!!111

Heroes Woot! The entire cast of HEROES! I really don't remember who that left-most guy is though... O_o And Mr Bennet's without his horn-rimmed glasses! XD And it's weird to say this but Nathan with his beard reminds me so much of a teacher of mine at the university.
Heroes Going shopping, Mr Sylar? XD What's with that sneaky look on your face? Don't tell me you're gonna steal...? O_o
Heroes Tell me, who in the world still smiles at a camera when you have a pair of giant scissors stuck in your chest and that the guy responsible for doing it is putting his arm around you? O_o'' CREEPY.
Heroes Auww... Stylishly walking down the sidewalks of LA? Oh, one thing, is it just me or is Hayden's boobs always pretty revealed? (Claire) =_=''
Heroes Ohmajezaz! DL is having an affair with Claire!?! O_O!! He better not go back home or he's gonna die an even more horrible death than what Sylar would give him.
Heroes Sexey glasses! He looks half Sylar and Gabriel this way =P Whee~~!
Heroes The truth is revealed... These two are accomplices. @_@!!! Maybe they're married, and all that "BUT EDEN SHOT HER BRAINS OUT" is an act!!111 *GASP*
Heroes If you notice Ando missing from the next/future episodes, you'll know why. o_o....
Heroes Isn't he one HOT super villain!?!?! O_O!! *faints*
Heroes This is from "Charmed" and he's still a baddie. ^^;; Zachary Quinto is so going to be stuck with the villain image for a looong time.
Heroes You know which Sylar is from this pic right? Now compare him with this guy.... o_o For your info, that guy in the linked pic is Brian Kinney from Queer As Folk, played by Gale Harold.
Heroes Auww~~ Nice smiles everyone! Mohindy and Sylar need to stand closer though... XD
Heroes Isn't he gorgeous!?!? PERIOD.
Heroes Look at that smile!! Not that I know many Indians but Sendhil is by all truth the most beautiful AND sexiest of them all!!! *Dies*
Heroes Yes.... this is it.... THIS IS IT..... The moment of TRUTH.... o_o.... I love you Syhindlar... *goes to heaven*
Heroes This is the other beauty in the series. Ted is way underrated, but that doesn't mean he'll escape my eyes. =D *Hugs* I just wish he's got more screentime... T_T I miss you already, Ted... PLEASE COME BACK!!!
17th May 2007, Thursday

I can’t believe there’s only the season finale left for HEROES… T__T Anyway, I was ‘bored’ and so I decided to write up on something about the characters. Written below are my thoughts on what the characters have done or not done that frustrates or makes me happy. (SPOILERS!!)


Isaac Mendez
I can’t believe this guy swallows his ‘destiny’ entirely and decides that he shouldn’t do anything to save himself and die. If he wants to die, he can go ahead and die ANY other way, but WHY does he have to die contributing to a bad cause!?! Urgh!! It’s because of his ability that Sylar takes that makes Sylar even crazier than before! GAAH!


Hiro Nakamura
Hiro hardly ever disappoints me. He is the most enjoyable and loving character in all of HEROES, but I’m starting to feel worried about his potential turn in personality. I simply like him the way he is now way more than future Hiro so I can only pray and hope that he’ll forever remain that way.


Ando has been great. Everything he did now and then has been good. All I hope for him is that he doesn’t go get himself killed on his own accord by challenging Sylar alone.


Peter Petrelli
Peter’s done a couple stupid things. He may have the most badass ability but he currently definitely isn’t worthy of that yet. First off, he sucked badly against Sylar in their first face-off in episode 19. You turned invisible for goodness sake, but you wouldn’t hide somewhere safe or at least face the guy so that you don’t leave your back open to him?? Dying under that shard of glass is one of the most shameful things that can happen to someone with ‘ultimate potential’. He could even deflect the glass shards back at Sylar with his own telekinesis if he’s even thought of it, but alas, this can be easily rationalized by the fact that he’s not adept at controlling his abilities yet and that he might hurt Suresh.

Next, in episode 22 when he was walking down the streets with Claire and Ted, he heard Sylar’s thoughts and knew that they were being targeted. So why is it that you’d still walk right out in the open when you could have easily been invisible?? =_=;; Then, when Ted got caught by the FBI, Peter did absolutely nothing to save him when he had all the powers necessary to do it and ran away with Claire. I suppose it never occurred to him that with Ted singled out Sylar could get him anytime? And Peter’s supposed to be on his quest to save the world. =/ Sigh…


Nathan Petrelli
This guy is simply blinded with ambition. I like how he’s genuinely concerned with the people he love and care for, especially Peter, but ever since he found out that Peter couldn’t die (episode 19), he seems to have dropped that worry and gone back to his secret arrangements with Linderman. Of course, I am well aware that this guy is in a constant dilemma regarding what to do, what he wants to do and what’s right to do. He does not want to sacrifice half the city to ‘save the world’ as Linderman puts it, but at the same time he can’t refuse the temptation of becoming congressman and eventually president. And now that he knows his mother is a part of all this, he is influenced and pressured even more to follow the ultimate plan accordingly. Even then, it saddens me to see how much he disappointed Hiro who had so much faith in him.


Claire Bennet
This girl hasn’t done much since episode 17 and she hasn’t really done anything that’s regrettable, disappointing or frustrating. In fact, I’m glad that she’s smart enough to take a closer look at Peter’s ‘dead’ body to find that piece of glass and remove it to revive him.


Matt Parkman
In the present, Matt is no problem. Problem is five years into the future when he’s changed dramatically and become notorious to HEROES fans. Of course, we aren’t given any ideas or clues as to how and why he changed but he did. Not only is he ruthless, he’s also very capable of killing and betrayal. Villains often win the favor of many people but not Matt. We have always known for him to be that nice policeman we all know and this dramatic change is just shocking. Until we find out why and are given a good enough reason, this will continue to be my ultimate disappointment in Matt.


Mr. Bennet
Bennet has been awesome, especially when it took less than two seconds for him to kill the super annoying Thompson. It was sad to see him commit murder, as most would call it, but it was only Thompson, so yeah, he’s fine. =P Now the problem is with whether he’s going to pull the trigger at poor little Molly. I’m hoping he doesn’t since without Thompson and Linderman, Molly is not only no longer a threat but a critically useful ‘asset’. Of course, Bennet doesn’t know Linderman’s dead….


Theodore Sprague (Ted)
Poor guy needs the LOVE he deserves!! I DEMAND more TED!!! This adorable man is seriously underappreciated. He has a lot less screen time than the rest so there isn’t really much of a chance for him to go wrong but he definitely deserves his moment of glory. However, he has to get killed instead, and that I blame clumsy Peter. Ted has done absolutely nothing wrong and he’s only trying his best to bring his life back together but nothing ever goes right for him. Mark my words - Sylar WILL PAY for his death hundred times the amount.


Nikki/Jessica Sanders
Nikki gets on my nerves a lot but recently she’s been somewhat more tolerable as Jessica. At least Jessica doesn’t sob, cry and whine like Nikki does twenty-four seven. It’s also always good to know that she has her brute strength to rely on when danger arises. The frustration from this girl returns when Nikki finally comes in control again in episode 22. Getting emotional is no biggie, but getting immediately vulnerable in the face of an enemy after she gains control of her body is a different story. She really needs to learn to be strong without relying on Jessica.


D.L. Hawkins
D.L. is a wonderful father, a father Micah is definitely proud of. There’s nothing he’s done that is disappointing except for his 'death' for which I blame Nikki. I don't think he's really dead yet though, since according to the 'future' he's supposed to die by Sylar's hands... Also, I applaud him for finally getting rid of that scheming Linderman. Come on guys, give him a round of applause!


Micah Sanders
Micah has been a great boy, a genius for someone his age. It wasn’t exactly a bad thing in my opinion that he helped cheated in the votes for Nathan Petrelli either. After all, he just wants to go back to his parents and live happily ever after without seeing his mom worry about not having money all the time.


Mohinder Suresh
I must say it was stupid of him not to have killed Sylar when he could back in episode 19. He freaking knocked Sylar out! He KO’ed Sylar!! If you really want to kill and stop that mad man, you should have done it right there and then!! But he didn’t! He got too freaked out thinking Peter was dead and decided that he’d leave Sylar alone. Oh Allah! Of course, if he killed Sylar back then there won’t be any more HEROES now would there. Even then, it was too good a chance to kill Sylar to pass up and he did… not once but twice, the first time being the time Sylar was vulnerable and strapped to the chair in episode 18. Other than that, he’s been doing pretty well, especially with treating Molly. He also seems to have become a master at knocking anyone out instantly now, specially for a regular power-less human =P


Sylar (Gabriel Gray)
I don’t know what a super villain can do that would be ‘disappointing’. >_> I wasn’t happy when he killed Isaac but like many others I was surprised to see his ‘humane’ side when he found out from his painting that he was going to kill a lot more people due to the explosion. All the scenes with him and his mother were sympathetic and touching since that is not Sylar but Gabriel Gray, the watchmaker, and his true personality. It was a disappointment when his insanity was triggered again when his mother died since I was barely starting to feel sorry for him, but if that didn’t happen the story wouldn’t have continued so I suppose there’s nothing anyone can do about it. And oh, I sure HATE him for KILLING OFF MY TEDDY BEAR!!!!! *Slices his skull in half*


Mr. Linderman
This guy annoys me simply by being so scheming and so I’m glad to say he’s dead. Whether he’s really dead or not, we don’t know. After all, this is HEROES that we’re talking about, but for the moment I shall assume that he’s dead. And considering that, I’m glad that before he died he did at least one good thing. Good news for Heidi. =)


Molly Walker
I was hoping for Molly to quickly find out and tell Suresh where Sylar is already but alas they have to be stopped thanks to Matt and Bennet’s intrusion. It’s also ironic that the one she considers to be her ‘other hero’ is currently one of the two after her life. Poor girl. I sure hope she survives this. *Stares at Bennet*

13th May 2007, Sunday

Umm… hi? I’m back… I think…? Been a while…like a month, aye? It’s not like I’ve been SUPER busy or anything but I have been quite depressed and the shit, yeah. And I’m not someone to write about depression in my blog, cos’ that’ll only make me more depressed, so you get the point…But now I’m back cos’ things are getting a littttle better, I think, and I’m more comfortable with talking about it.

This is the critical phase practically everyone who goes to and graduates from a university MUST (is expected to) go through. It’s the question of life~~ “What do you want to do in life?” (ARGH!) Aaaand… that basically means “GO GET A JOB!!” And that usually sucks, especially for people who don’t know what they want to do, or just don’t have the motivation to do anything.

Then of course, this isn’t just simply trying to find work to do. This is about trying to find work to do so that you get paid and be able to survive in this society paying for rent, food and other crap. So whether you like it or not it’s something you MUST do unless you’re planning to rot and die, or rely on your parents for life for which you’ll hate yourself for and get nasty looks from others, not to mention that won’t last as long as YOUR life.

So okay, the problem that I’m facing, like many others probably are, is that I am neither a US citizen nor a permanent resident and that means that unless I manage to find fulltime work with a company that will sponsor me a working visa, I’m out of the US in less than 5 months from now. So… what are my options…? Let’s see…

  1. Go look for a fulltime job with a company who’ll sponsor you a working visa!
    ….Aye… of course… it’s easy to say. And trust me I have been looking online for such possible job opportunities, but those that have replied to me simply say they aren’t sponsoring any work visa. Whee….?
  2. Go get other kinds of training visa!
    The University of Oregon does not offer applications for training visas other than OPT so if I were to apply for something known as J-Visa which is some sort of training visa I’ll need to find an agency outside to do it, and of course that means money. Also, I’ll have to ask my boss to rewrite my job description and stuff to convince the government and crap, and even if I get the training visa it will only extend my period of stay in the US for about 1.5 year. It’s pointless.
  3. Go look for a fulltime job in Singapore!
    I did this too. So far one replied and asked for an interview but they said need the position filled urgently (damn it!) and considering the predicament I’m in I can’t just fly back for a little trip for the interview cos’ otherwise I won’t be able to come back to the US since my visa’s long expired. So, I can’t get this one either… yet. Good news is they said to contact them again if I ever go back to Singapore after my OPT ends and shit cos’ they’re expanding their company and might have more similar job openings. This is the path I might just take but do keep reading…
  4. Get married to an American!
    I wish!! XD But no I can’t. You know I can’t either. Too many problems and issues with this one even though it’s practically the easiest way.
  5. Go get alysum!!
    I don’t think this one will work anymore, not to mention you’ll need to hire a lawyer for this and it’s just a waste of money and relying too much on hope. Indonesia may still be rather dangerous but today’s not 1998 anymore.
  6. Apply for permanent residency in Canada!!
    I’ve thought about this… for like 5 minutes. Canada seems to feel no different from the US even though I’ve not been there… but… what’s the point? It’s a brand new place where I got no one to turn to and everything would be a HUGE hassle, and I'm not exactly excited about doing that.
  7. Go back to school!
    This was initially the plan… until I figured unless I have 100% full motivation to go back to school and take classes, I might as well not do it. Cos’ when it comes to upgrading your skills, you can do exactly the same and way more efficiently at work. The only difference is that if you go to school, you can use that wee bit of added skill to market yourself rather than wait till you get the job and then learn the skill.
  8. Think of what you REALLY freaking wanna do…
    So yes… while I was thinking what I really freaking wanna do, it finally came to me that the answer is in Japan. What I do at home as my passion is to update my game fan sites and stuff. I spend so much time and effort on it I should even start getting paid. If it’s not game related then it’s anime or manga related. And then I thought, if I were to work in Japan where would I like to work? ….And the answer came to the one obvious thing that finally knocked on my head – CAPCOM. And so I looked under their official Japanese site and I actually freaking found the word “WEB designer” under “employment”. So what does that mean? HELL, I’M GONNA GIVE IT A TRY!!!! And so I’m working on the application papers right now and will send it out as soon as it's all ready. If I get a positive reply from them (if I get a reply at all), you’ll know where I’ll be in the next few months =P If not… I think I’m sticking with solution #3. Sayonara America…?

So okay… as you can see… I have 2 paths that I’m more likely to take. The top priority and ideal one is to go to Japan and work for CAPCOM. That’ll be like totally sweeeeeet… I’ll be happy and so will my family… I think? LOL. I know my mom has always wanted me to work in Japan… so does my sister, although for her it’s just an excuse to revisit Japan anytime she wants.

And if that doesn’t work, the fallback plan is to go back to Singapore. Maybe I’ve had enough of the US…? Well no, I actually like it in the US but if I can’t find work here that would sponsor me a freaking working visa, I have no choice and there’s no point anyway. Plus, I’d rather work for a company I love than one I don’t care about but have to work for anyway if I don’t want to die. So much for being a kid.

There’re many other issues to face with IF I ever end up going to Japan, but you know what, that doesn’t matter right now. We can always worry and talk about it WHEN it’s been decided that I’ll work there. Besides, to work for CAPCOM!?!? It’s worth ANY hassle. =D So er… wish me luck? =)

16th April 2007, Monday

All right!!! Now that I'm free at work, there's nothing more to do than finally write my blog!!!! I know I've told many people about this already but hell, this one's going to be so long detailed I bet you guys are either going to give up reading or… give up reading. =P Anyway, I'm writing on a day to day basis and it's going to be super long, so take a deep breath and then click here – San Francisco Trip.

You have no idea how long that took me to write... o_o....

I'll add a video of Dan and me doing the karate pose soon. Right now I think I'm gonna go back to Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories... >_o''

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